Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to Make a Trick or Treat Bag

In addition to your unique Halloween costume, create a unique trick-or-treat bag for the occasion. You can turn a shopping bag or birthday gift bag into an awesome trick-or-treat bag for all your Halloween goodies. Follow these steps to customize your own trick-or-treat bag.

Things You'll Need

1. Solid color shopping or gift bag
2. Halloween template
3. Tracing paper
4. Pencil
5. Scissors
6. Tape
7. Black construction paper
8. Glue
9. Glitter
10.Halloween stickers

Step 1: Find a shopping bag that is one color, or purchase a solid color birthday gift bag at a department, party or grocery store. Orange makes a great color for a trick-or-treat bag. Choose the size you want, making sure the template you choose fits on the bag.

Step 2: Look for a Halloween template online or draw your own Halloween shape. Try a haunted house, a skull, a pumpkin, a ghost or a witch.

Step 3: Print out the Halloween template, and trace the picture onto tracing paper with a pencil. Cut out the tracing paper.

Step 4: Tape the tracing paper cutout onto a sheet of black construction paper along the edge of the cutout. Carefully cut the picture out of the construction paper along the lines of the tracing paper.

Step 5: Place the bag flat onto a table. Put glue onto the back of your black construction paper picture, and center it in the middle of the bag. Push the construction paper down securely on the bag, making sure that you remove all air bubbles.

Step 6: Decorate your bag with glitter and Halloween stickers.

Step 7: Let the glue dry on the bag before using.

Tips & Warnings
Put your name on your bag in glitter so everyone knows it's your bag.

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