Half Moon Bay resident Thomas Goodson has been creating sterling silver jewelry for the last ten years. Thom studied ironwork at Salem College in West Virginia in the late '70s and worked as the Village Smithy at Fort New Salem from 1977 to 1980. With a degree in chemistry, Thom laid his hammer down and went to work in the pharmaceutical industry, but the love of working with metal never left him. Thom met his wife, Jane Lewis, and moved to San Diego, California, in 1996. There he taught himself jewelry making, using the old blacksmithing skills, and seeking new skills through books and mentors.
In 2008, Thom joined an emerging pharmaceutical company, Pearl Therapeutics, in Redwood City. He chose Half Moon Bay as his new home, and Jane joined him in 2009, after retiring from a teaching career in San Diego City Schools. When Thom decided to participate in the Pumpkin Festival, Jane began designing beaded pieces to fill out their selection of jewelry art.
Thom often designs his jewelry pieces while chatting with Jane over dinner. He then disappears into his shop and brings the design sketch to life. In addition to her collaboration with beadwork, Jane photographs their creations, and maintains the Goodson Silver website. She has also become acquainted with other local artists and maintains the Coastside Artists web page to provide a directory of local artists and promote their showings and events.
Thom and Jane have presented their work at the Pumpkin Festival, the Project Knew Groove Art and Music festivals, and at the Coastal Arts League Gallery. They will be participating in the Land & Sea Farmers Market at Harbor Village on April 22, and will also participate, for a second year, in the Colony of Coastside Artists (CoCA) Open Studios event on May 5 and 6.
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